Kiasu for Free Ice Cream?

Who doesn’t love ice-creams? But kiasu people in Singapore take it a bit too seriously. 9th of April was Free Ice-cream cone day from Ben and Jerry’s in Singapore. They were giving away free cones of ice-creams…yummy! Isn’t it? And who wouldn’t want it? I was returning home from my office in Science Park (Yeah I changed my job!) and happened to see the crowd outside the Ben and Jerry’s outlet at Rochester Mall at Buona Vista. Oh my god! There were people of all ages from toddlers to teens to grannys for the free cones! And it was not just some crowd;there was a damn long long queue for it. Don’t believe me? See the picture below.


Pic courtesy: Ben and Jerry’s and Strait Times

There was one good thing about this campaign, Ben and Jerry’s did it for charity and raised more than $8000. Be a kiasu for good! How about that?

Sinners don’t die easily

Today is 22nd December 2012, still alive and of course enjoying my vacation in India. According to some the world ended yesterday but sinners like me won’t die soon. I reassuring told my friends I won’t die soon and how will I when I’ll will be in mid-air on 21st Dec 2012?

Well I’ll keep this post short as I too have to enjoy my vacation. More posts to come in next year. So to all those who survived 2012, Wish you all very happy festive season and Happy New Year!!

How I survived in Korea – culture shock and all

It’s been 88 days, 5 hours, 40 minutes and 10 seconds (at the time of writing this post) since we landed our feet at World’s best voted Airport – The Incheon International Airport in Seoul. Ever since then Korea has just amazed me, surprised me and intrigued me. Even though it has been a good experience I’ll try to sum up how I survived in Korea. No offences meant to any Korean who happen to read my blog.

1) Google is my friend: Language barrier would be something which you worry of when travelling to other countries. I too had my ordeal here which wasn’t as good as expected. During my stint in Korea I had to work with my Korean colleague who can barely speak or understand English. Many a times she looked at me like I was speaking in some strange alien tongue. Boy I had a hard time conversing with her in the beginning. I’ve tried all ways in the book from the primitive communication methods to sign languages.

Then as lightening, an idea crossed my mind. I opened the Internet browser and typed in Google Translate and moments later we were talking through Google Translate! Pat on the back…Google! Saved the day!

2) Touchy Toilet: And you thought Korea is only advanced as its Internet network or their mobile technologies…think again. When I was first introduced to the toilet in my apartment I was confused and intrigued at the same time. A toilet with electronic touch button controls? Wow now that’s what I call technology, however, it took me some time to figure out how all the controls work. I still don’t know what the buttons in Korean words do? Eject you from the seat…? hehe. The toilet features are just stupefying

  • When you rest your em… err butt on it, it detects that you have sat on the toilet seat and starts the toilet seat heater. You can adjust this temperature or turn it off in summer.
  • When you are done you press one button for the bidet. For this too you can adjust the water temperature. Want it hot or cold to wash?
  • Another bidet button for smaller butts…err I mean the kids.
  • Guess what there’s a button to blow dry our butts too!
  • Some more buttons in Korean but couldn’t figure out what it does.

I wonder what would be the next step in the evolution of toilets in Korea… A toilet which can analyze your poop and sends message through Wi-Fi to refrigerator to control what foods you should be eating? Nice innovative idea…huh?

3) How much for this one? Once we were in the local vegetable and fish market. I was checking out some ginger and asked the lady “How much for this one?” As expected it took me some time and patience to explain what I am asking for. “Shex” was the answer (honestly it sounded like sex)… I paused and questioned “sex?” My friend poked me. “Six”… Shit I should have guessed it. Now was it 600 Won or 6000 Won? Again we did some hand signals, waved some currency notes and then she understood. Oh it was 6000 Won. Oh my God I never used too much brains to buy some stuff before!!

4) Mirror Mirror in the Toilet: I must admit that I have been the one among my mates who has used public toilets (WC) the most – in malls, train stations, almost everywhere… eh stomach issues you know. So while I was leisurely answering nature’s call I happened to look at the mirror on the toilet door. I wondered why the mirror must be there. Would it be there for you to see your face expressions when you relieve pressure? Haha… I tried making some faces to see how I’d look doing that. 😀

5) Office seating arrangement: Akin to the Japanese, the typical Korean office culture entails you to be in office from dawn to dusk sometimes even up to midnight! This is even true for seniority in office/department. Juniors shall not leave office before their seniors do. And did I tell you about the seating arrangement? It’s like a typical classroom. More information and sketches on my friend Deepak’s blog post. I just hated my seat. Anyone could peep into my comp.

6) Brushing teeth is a social activity: Every time I used the office washroom in the morning or after lunch I am greeted with a long queue. As if the whole office has gathered for the social brushing activity! Many a times I have had to restrain my urge to use the washroom. Damn it. LG, P&G and Perioe (local oral care company) must be rolling in millions of dollars every year!!

7) Same sex nudity is OK: Yes… but only in gender segregated public bathhouses… or Jjimjilbang” (I always have difficulty pronouncing Korean places so I give up and just enjoy the place. With difficulty I learned that it is pronounced Jim-jil-bang)as they call it in Korea. We were initially hesitant but tried it once in Seoul and liked it so much that we went there again on our next trip to Seoul. But if you are too coy about your modesty (like my friend Shera – name changed to protect identity :-D) and happen to wear your underwear inside the bathhouse you are sure to receive cold stares!

Becoming a Kiasu…

So my first blog post goes live today! I was contemplating of starting my own blog since some time. I had even thought of the name of the blog 1 year before. Yeah… it aptly suits the blog title as it represents the mindset of the Singaporeans including me – though I am not a complete Singaporean, I am just a semi-Singaporean :-). I’ve almost sunk into the Singapore mindset. Well I believe we all at some stage in life become “Kiasus”…haha

For those not from Singapore or do not know what “Kiasu” means I’ll try to copy what it is mentioned on Wikipedia. That saves you from exercising your fingers to click and google for it :-D.
For further reading click here or here
For the past 2 months or so I have been in South Korea on deputation to our client’s office in Ulsan. So I’ve been made to work pitilessly but you know I still managed to find time to write this first post from the office! My previous experiences of deputation were sweet like a honeymoon and I expected the same this time but alas it turned out not so good. Nevertheless we (me and my mates – Deep, Sashi, Srini and Sajeev) enjoyed every bit of Korea outside office. The weekends were wonderful, visiting places..which I’ll post about it later.


StEp InTo My InSaNe WoRlD ;-)

StEp InTo My InSaNe WoRlD ;-)

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